1XSlots App

Options for mobile devices


Although it is evident that 1XSlots is a cutting-edge online casino, at least when it comes to its arrival in Latin America it has been quite timid in attacking mobile devices.

With this we do not mean that they do not have a responsive website optimized to work on cell phones or tablets, on the contrary, they do it wonderfully and it is one of their strengths.

However, the masterminds behind 1XSlots have forgotten the importance of having a native application, not only for IOS and Android, but also for Windows Mobile, Samsung or the even more important Huawei App Gallery.

An operator that points to the future of payments

1XSlots is an operator that is at the forefront when it comes to payment and deposit methods. However, this may perhaps be a little unwieldy for intermediate users.

We must forget beforehand the idea of making cash deposits, because although the operator has a presence in many Latin American countries, it does not have the necessary network of contacts to be able to take physical money.

Perhaps for that reason they are willing to compensate us by accepting not the money of the past, but the money of the future, we are talking of course about Bitcoins, Ethereum and all the cryptocurrencies that exist on the market. That’s right 1XSlot accepts payments in BTC.

Let’s review 1XSlotsrelationship with cryptos

It must be said openly, one of the great strengths of 1XSlots is that it has its eyes on the future of deposits and payments. We talk about how they go far beyond Bitcoin and receive 36 cryptocurrencies in total.


However, it is important that you keep in mind that none of the operator’s promotions will be available if you have BTC, ETH or any of the cryptocurrencies accepted by 1XSlots configured.

An interesting fact is that withdrawals can also be made using cryptocurrencies and to that extent the profits are exempt from tax payments. In this case you could use the ambiguity of the legislation to your advantage.

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1XSlots Casino

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1XSlots Registration

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1xSlots Promo code

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1XSlots Rusia Federation

I te mau tau i mairi a'enei, Ua rahi roa te mau fare pereraa moni i nia i te Internet. I roto i teie ao no te mau ha'uti e te arearea, 1Te mau mana'o tauturu no te haapiiraa, e fare pereraa moni no te…

1XSlots Beresiria

1xSlot Casino Brazil is a casino that has been operational since 2017 through its website. This platform allows you to enjoy many online casino games from the

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